About the Author

Faitth Brooks is a social worker, speaker, writer, and podcaster. Formed in the Christian tradition and Black liberation theology, Faitth uses her platform to enliven her following for collective liberation centering on the sisterhood of black women. Faitth is crafting communal space where rest, tenderness, and softness are commonplace for...

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  1. Great message,I feel like the words were written just for me.
    So many of the same sentiments.
    Thank much for speaking to my heart and soul.

  2. This message was so on point. That is exactly what I have been thinking. It’s okay to give yourself a break, slow down…rest!

    You are correct we pile everything into Jan 1 because it’s the beginning of a new year which is true, but I dare say that “every day” is the beginning of a new year because 364 days from that day recognizes what?

    Enjoy life, start again and compliment yourself for your accomplishments!

    Stay Blessed,

  3. Faitth, your post are always on point. I definitely told myself this year I want to move slower and go deeper right down to the amount of books I read. I am tired of competing and trying to keep up with the folks that I admire. I am okay right where I am at. I am an avid journaler and have been reflecting on my journal entries from 2022 and still doing so. Thank you for validating the need for rest, reflection, and peace. I am going to need this year to practice and do just that. By the way, I am a social worker too and have read a little James Cone.

  4. Thank you for helping me accept that reflecting back is a neccassry step to move forward. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed by a combination of personal setbacks, challenges, losses and the need for new initiatives. Rushing forward, I was ignoring there had also been wins.

  5. Bless you for this wonderful message! Chemotherapy has forced me to slow down and reflect. But I am confident that God’s grace and mercy will be with me in 2023. So much ugliness in this world – still trusting that He is still on the throne!

  6. Wow! What an excellent article! Thank you for sharing and reminding me that it is okay to slow down and be quiet with myself. I am a work in progress. Working my self into anxiety, that I know that isn’t good for my body, soul, spirit!
    I have totally forgotten how to set goals and celebrate me for a change. A new day, a new start! 2022 had been no joke but looking forward to greater things in 2023! Looking forward and not behind me!!!

  7. I am doing exactly that…resting, reflecting and being at peace. I turned my spare bedroom into a love room. It’s where I pray, affirm and sit in the solitude. 2022 was the hardest year of my life and I am still healing from spine surgery. It’s been five hard months of recovery. And I have another spine surgery coming up this year. I’ve definitely decided to come slowly into this new year knowing I have more health issues to tackle. Thanks for the reminder we can come in slowly without our caps.

  8. Yaaaassss Ms. Faith…I will be tip-toe-ing into 2023….I feel as if I’m finally exhaling….I have been on such a long journey but I do believe that not only am I closing a chapter but I’m in a new book…Looking forward to retirement, new adventures, new journey’s, “EVERYTHING NEW” as Tye Tribbet says…I’m ready to focus, enjoy the freedom and ENJOY LIFE!!! Live to work not work to live!!! Be safe and Be Blessed!!!

  9. Thank you Faiith for this love letter to yourself. So often we care for everyone and everything with all we have. But, this letter, this letter you wrote opened my eyes to see self-care is essential. Grace, patience, and compassion for ourselves are the beginning of a great journey. So many times we don’t acknowledge our hurts and joys. However, embarrassing those things can and will make us stronger. Thank you again for showing grace and love.

  10. This was spot on. We have to learn to pause. We have to buy into the hype that we have to be all and acquire all. Accepting our individual strengths and weaknesses is imperative.

  11. I feel exactly this way! Like we have been conditioned to rush into the new year, but as I get older, I feel like I should take more time to reflect on the previous year and how I would like to move forward. I prefer to sit in my feelings, positive and negative, revisit situations to make sure I handled myself the best way I could have and offered up the best advice to those that asked.

    So I am in agreement with you!

  12. I have certainly been happy, sad and overwhelmed from the events of 2022. So, I paused and asked God to help me. Now full of hope; I am better at being still and taking care of myself. 2023 is looking bright!

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