There is a sacred space and peace that can only be found within the realm of stillness, a tranquil refuge where the noise of the world slowly and peacefully fades away, allowing the gentle whispers of our souls and the divine echo of God to be heard clearly. In these quiet moments of life, I have found the importance of being still and allowing God to be God. It’s a practice that goes beyond the boundaries of time and circumstance, and it is a journey I invite you to embark on with an open heart.
In the serenity of solitude, I have discovered an intimate connection with God that transforms and elevates all aspects of my life. It is in these moments of quiet, when the world pauses and the clutter dissipates, that I can be fully present with the Almighty. Silence settles my mind and opens my heart, allowing space for impactful communication between me and my Creator. It is in this serenity that He speaks to me about my health, guides me on my path and purpose, talks to me about the hearts of those around me, and directs me on how He wants me to serve.
I am so grateful to have been able to spend Christmas with my family in beautiful Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, at the Sanctuary at Cap Cana. It felt like the sanctuary my soul needed amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. During that time, I basked in the slow and quiet places of my heart and mind. God truly met me there with arms open wide and a soft place for me to rest my head. While there, I released by nineteenth book, Affirmed Volume 2: 365 Positive Thoughts & Actions to Start Your Day. I also received some unexpected requests for speaking engagements. God was showing me that I did not need to do more to achieve more; He was showing me that I simply needed to be still and know that He is God and He’s got me!
One of the most impactful lessons I learned is that solace is not merely an escape from the world; it’s a deliberate act of self-preservation and an opportunity for deeper connection with God. In the stillness, I find shelter from the noise of negative energy. Instead, I choose to embrace the positivity that radiates from the divine presence, wrapping me in a cocoon of peace and resilience. On this journey of self-discovery and purpose, getting still and quiet has been my compass. It has prompted me to make conscious choices that nurtured my well-being, a testament to the profound impact of listening to the whispers of God in the silence. Sis, God does not shout…He whispers.
In the hallowed hush of solitude, God told me that I needed to cleanse my inner circle. Not everyone in our lives has our best interests at heart, and it takes a discerning heart to recognize the relationships that no longer serve us. Through stillness, I found the courage to let go of toxic ties and attachments, creating space for genuine connections and assignments that align with the path God has laid out for me.
Being still and quiet does not imply that life will always be serene and without challenges. On the contrary, it is within the quietude that I learned I do not have to be everything to everybody. It is a lesson in understanding my worth and recognizing that I deserve peace and rest. In that silence, my heart found openness, and blessings flowed in abundance.
I implore you to consider the immense value of prioritizing quiet moments—especially in the hustle and bustle of life and amidst the incessant demands of a world that rarely pauses. Take time to journal your thoughts, step away from the relentless chatter of social media, and give yourself the grace of a break from the constant barrage of information. Create sacred spaces for prayer and reflection. For in the quiet, you will find clarity.
Sis, what’s stopping you from being still, and how will you get quiet so you can hear God clearly?
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This truly spoke to my soul this morning! We have a group currently navigating through a Bible study on The Relentless Elimination of Hurry and this aligns with everything we’re learning. Thank you for all the confirmations ♥️
This is the word I needed this morning to let me know that I’m currently on the right path. Be still and watch God work!
Yes, sis. Be still & let God be God. I’m so glad my article resonated with you. Thank you for taking the time to read & comment.
This was powerful! As one who is just learning at the age of 55 to be still and its benefits, this devotional affirmed why it’s necessary.
That…said it all to my soul! Thank you, just what I needed and just when I needed it!
Reading this today was just what I needed to hear to start my day. Peaceful quiet moments are precious and this reminder to stop, disconnect from the world, and reconnect with my heavenly father is a divine necessity. I need this to thrive. Thank you for taking the time to share this piece of yourself and self journey. Be blessed.
Beautiful quote!
Beautifully written. I learned a word for my morning time when I practice quiet stillness; soubhiyé refers to that period of time in the morning when no one else is awake and you can have some quiet time to yourself before the household is awake,
What a powerful declaration. I agree wholeheartedly with your message on silence and sincerely appreciate the reminder. Thank you for allowing God to use you as His voice to the sisters. Your transparency allows us to see ourselves. Continue to demonstrate how to connect with God during the hustle and bustle of living.
We appreciate your transparency. So often we want to believe we are in control and we hustle trough the week and wonder why our bodies shut down from time to time. You are truly teaching some of us how to put ourselves first. With self care and dedicated time with God.
I actually just told my daughter yesterday to “Be still and know that he is God” and it’s your topic this morning.
Thank you for teaching me and allowing me to follow your lead.
May God continue to bless you and use you in a powerful way.
Love Always
Stevie Swain
This message was powerful and intentional of helping people like me get free of people, places, and things. With knowing God got me! ❤️
I believe I’m impatient with God. When I feel as if He’s not talking to me or I’m not hearing what He’s saying, I panic, fear kicks in then I’m moving in desperation. We know this to cause mistakes and bad decisions. I must sit still and know that He is God.
This is an amazing read! I often meditate so that I can hear The Holy Spirit speak to my heart and soul. Especially when I’m feeling overwhelmed. Thank you for this reminder.
I’m caring for my dad now and loss my mom in September last year. I am trying to find my self through this because I cared for my mom for 3-4 years and she was my whole time and day. I’m trying to find me now
Such an important lesson for us, as black women to learn, less really is more, especially when you are connected with God, our Provider. He is more than capable of blessing us in that “secret place” of peace. thank you so much for this article.
This was absolutely beautiful Dr. Williamson. You are such a blessing to this world. I love you so much my Sister in Christ. May God continue to speak through you and use you as a beacon of hope.
Beautiful Insightful Wisdom and Words to Follow by Dr.Cheryl Polote Williamson. We are Always Listening.
Dr. Cheryl’s words of wisdom are always right on point. Peace/quiet are not the absence of noise or people. Rather a conscious decision driven by self preservation to set aside sacred time to hear God’s voice. I immediately shared this Mahogany moment with my besties who quickly responded how true this rings! We collectively love Mahagony & our brilliant Dr. Cheryl Polote-Williamson!!!
As someone who has been (and sometimes still is) afraid to sit still and embrace the silence, this was a great reminder that God is with me in those moments. Thank you for encouraging us to see the beauty and benefit of being still and allowing God to show us how to handle the very things we may be scared to face.
Thank you. It is welcoming to make room to hear the voice of God in stillness. I will continue to have quiet moments as a part of my life.
Thank you Cheryl, for your heartfelt inspirational articles that I love. God’s private whispers is not one to be disregard but, to welcome as He is truly the way and the light. His whisper is a covenant of guidance and peace for us.
Love and Light
St. Croix Virgin Islands ❤️🌴
Peace be still! There is nothing like finding a space for quiet reflection and time with Jesus. Can’t do it without that time. It’s a mandatory part of self care!
Love this!! Yes, be still and know… Psalm 46:10
No matter what is happening around you, God is my refuge and strength.
Be still and wait on him even amid chaos. He is still on his throne!
Just what I needed to hear in this season.
A right on time message. I always value the wisdom that you share.
Beautiful 😍
Amen! Alignment is important. God bless you!
Dr. Cheryl thank you for the timely message and gentle reminder. Being still is often difficult yet extremely vital in our lives.
To answer your question. As a busy Mom and Entrepreneur, this year I am focused on being aligned and intentional in my personal and professional life. I schedule daily time to practice stillness through prayer, meditation, journaling and walking — it’s my safe place.
This is directly in line with what is in my spirit and what my church is teaching on….Quiet time and Rest! Thank you so much for this confirmation!
I love this because it serves as confirmation to me.
Creating a space of solitude where clarity can actually enter my spirit has definitely helped me get closer to God.
This was a great read! So often, we forget about the power that exists when we are still, listen and let God minister and guide us. I think the world has conditioned us into thinking that we must always be busy to produce, and that’s what I’m working to change for myself.
I absolutely love this statement! It’s so true. In my walk, God had proven Himself time and time again. This may be my new Mantra! Within these past several months, God has shown me that He can take you from THERE TO HERE! HE is the one who validates!! Love this Dr. Cheryl!
Yes! 100% agree with you sis! Thank you for taking the time to read & comment!
This is definitely on time as I am re-learning the usefulness of meditation in my life. Thank you for this gem!
Taking the time to step away and retreat has been a time for me to get to know me in this season of my life. Not easy be worth it. Learning but moving forward.
I feel I need to find the quiet space for myself. I have been trying to journal however I need to be more focused. Been feeling mighty discouraged trying to find my way out of the slump. Prayer works.
I’m very excited to sit in the stillness of God on my solo wellness vacation!!!
I truly needed this!!!
I am so Grateful that this was shared with our bible study group by Linessa Frazier.
The gentle reminder that I do not have to do more because God got me. Life giving!
It caused me to immediately reflect at the ways that God shows up in my life when I least expect it.
The reward of intimacy with Christ is worth the sacrifice of time/hustle.
Ma’am…Oh ma’am. I thank you for sharing this blessed and most confirming post. God has been speaking to me more and more about being Still. HE whispered… “BE still and KNOW! For in the still you can reflect clearly on what you already know about me. On what you KNOW that I have already done. Here in the still you can reflect on my character and my heart and love for you. For when you KNOW you ARE free! Yes, Yes, Sis. What a beautiful Mahogany Moment. Blessings to you!
I needed to hear that thank you