About the Author

Jess Hope Elias is an entrepreneur working in the financial services, real estate, and travel industries. She is also a motivational speaker, life-and-business coach, and women empowerment champion. Jess is an active member of her community, volunteering with local organizations that focus on health, education, and financial stability.

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  1. Fredericka McGhee says

    “truth,” in small letters. Not because “truth” is insignificant; but because “truth” is such a basic element in self knowledge. We must, at least, see ourselves clearly.

  2. J.P. Mitchell says

    What a powerful journey…I am SO thankful that that 13-year-old’s promise was nullified! Glad to read this today…

  3. Celena Kirkland says

    “I learned that I needed to do the work to understand what fulfilled me versus what drained me.” Wow..this resonates so much with me.

  4. TL says

    This article was a great read and confirmation for me on many levels as I seek my purpose. Congratulations to you for your courage and for seeking help. As the saying goes, “You do better, when you know better”.

  5. Leta says

    Jessica, what a beautiful testimony and u’ve come out on the other side; I say that bc you u r here to share it w/us. I recently received a beautiful graphic and it says, “HOPE …SOMETIMES IT’S ALL YOU HAVE WHEN YOU HAVE NOTHING LEFT. BUT IF YOU HAVE IT, YOU HAVE EVERYTHING.” That’s U Jessica HOPE Elias and never 4get, U have everything!

  6. B. Richardson-Brown says

    Truly this was an awesome testimony. So happy that this person had the strength to continue the journey of life in smite of. Applauds and prayers for their continued journey of life. 🙏🏽❤

  7. Barbara Motley says

    Self acceptance is the best gift. Each of us struggle in silence but thank you for sharing. Your willingness to share will open doors to know that each of us can do better. What helps me is to start each day first with meditation, pray and a gratitude moment written in a notebook. Actually exercise helps even stretching and perhaps a short walk in my neighborhood or walking in my basement.Goal is to be a better person to myself than in 2022.

  8. Rosa G. says

    Thank you so much for this quote:

    As Brené Brown said, “True belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world. Our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.”

    Peace and Love to you Jessica!♥️

  9. Marie Ruffin says

    I’m loving the inspirational messages, Also, I’m on a road of healing and Showing up for me.
    As I approach 2023, the word that resonant with my inner spirit is Residual, No more negative residual of unforgiving
    Bitterness, jealousy or anger from anyone who disappointed or hurt me in 2022. I want to be free in 2023 for real for real

  10. Kimberly says

    Beautifully and authentically written, thank you for sharing your journey. Wholeness, health, peace and joy to you.
    I have found them in a relationship with God through Yeshua.

  11. Brenda Jubilee says

    Thank you for sharing your touching story. You are a pillar of strength and thank God you survived. Yes, you are special and deserve the best. Amazingly, you figured it out by the grace of God.

  12. Jackie Warren says

    Kudos to you, for being brave enough to grow into your true being!! It is not an easy journey, but a journey one MUST take if ever you are to live truly free. Congratulations and May each endeavor from this day forward be fruitful. Be well ❤️

  13. Cynthia Daniels-Banks says

    Jessica, I am so glad your twenty-first birthday promise you initially desired remained unfulfilled. I’m grateful it fizzled, and burned out … Else I/we would have missed the inspiration your writing has ignited.
    Keep your candle lit.
    We need your light.🌹

  14. Tricia "Nailah" Anders says

    I applaud your courage to become your authentic self. I hope that you have come to see and to know how very strong and resilient you are. Not many of us decide to strive to overcome the obstacles life presents to us, especially horrific obstacles, and still stand strong. thank you for sharing your story. Sending love, light, and continuous healing energy to you.



  15. Teresa Amos says

    Great story. Just as your middle name is “Hope,” continue on your journey. God is not finished with you. Love yourself and have faith.

  16. Joey says

    I feel your pain and relate to it on so many levels. I’m so glad you were able to begin the process of finding your authentic self. I wish you the best as you continue on your journey.

  17. Cj says

    Such a beautiful loving story of self-love! So glad you found you and your voice and realized you are not what others think or call you! Life is hard enough without being beat down by those who are suppose to build you! Fathers are great but without the love of a mother and her nourishment is so much worse and hard on any child growing up. I’m so happy for you that you finally fell in love with yourself, because that’s who you’ll spend the rest of your life with no matter what! Kudos to you!

  18. Juan D. says

    I am blessed to witness your strength – the courage, vulnerability, wisdom and grit that you possess. You are such a gift to the world and I cannot wait for you to fully grasp it and experience others witnessing in you as much as I know they are, and they will.

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